
About Me

Hi my name is Wren! I am 22 years old and use all pronouns. I discovered Neocities while I was reading the Yesterweb site. I had no idea that I was able to make a website for free! I had been wanting to for a while, but every time I looked up "how to make a website" all of the search results were paid plans. I recently graduated Cosmetology School, became unemployed, and have been interviewing with a lot of salons. I was so incredibly bored and frustrated by the job seeking process and capitialism, that making this website has been a comfort and a good energy outlet. It's been very hard and confusing to learn how to code from scratch, but I won't give up! I've gotten help and inspiration from lots of websites which you can see in the Cool Links page. I have a ton of different hobbies because of my neurodivergency. Some of my main hobbies are:

  • Cosmetology
  • Making Youtube Videos
  • Tattooing
  • Making music (On garageband/with my keyboard)
  • Drawing (I draw mostly on Procreate but lately i've been drawing in a sketchbook more)
  • Photography (Personal, Fantasy, Concert etc)
  • Tarot reading and Candle making
  • Horror/Scifi Movies
  • Clay modeling
  • Balloon art (I have worked professionally as a balloon artist at an indie rave, a people's pride festival, and at house shows)
  • Ocassional Cosplaying

And I also want to learn how to DJ! I'm learning how on my laptop but am saving up to buy a controller. I used to stream on Twitch and did full time for a year playing video games during the first year of the pandemic. This was unsutainable because I was also going to college at University for Premed while also working part time to support myself so I quickly burnt out. I think the only reason I would start streaming on Twitch again would be if it was for music/DJ/art reasons. But we'll see. :) < 3